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~ Our Royal Comrades : StucxTeam - 1722Team - 4-Exploitation - SylhetGang - NetGhostSec - CyberFattah - HacktivistSulawesi - SilentCyberForce - HelangMerahGroup - NoName057(16) - TengkorakCyberCrew - EagleCyberCrew - AlAhad - Z-BL4CK-H4T - WebSec - AhadunAhad - KhalifahCyberCrew - SedihCrew - LaskarPembebasanPalestina - MalaysiaHacktivist - Zenimous - GarudaFromCyber - HolyLeague - JatimRedStormXploit - MorrocanCyberBlackArmy - RussianCyberArmyTeam - ilentEnemyCrew ~

- ⚠️ This Website Has Been Pawned By RipperSec ⚠️ -
We're Muslim Hacktivist
We Stand with Palestine

- بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ -
Greetings to the world, The situation in Palestine is getting worse. Massacres are becoming more and more common. Injustice is everywhere. The killing of innocent people. Human dignity is being trampled. We will not turn a blind eye to this situation. We call on the public to spread awareness about the Palestine issue again. This is no longer a defence of the people but rather the dispossession and slaughter of the people. We RipperSec stand for Justice and We fight for Freedom..

⚠️ Warning to the allies Zionist Israel. We has a little message for you. ⚠️
"Even though you are richer, but our god always helps those who strive on his path"

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